“We should all have the freedom to be fully human” – Desmond Tutu, 1979 Almost forty years after this quote, and more than twenty years into our democracy, the majority of South Africans are still struggling for freedom. Whereas we are politically free, we have not managed to create social and economic equality required for all South Africans to be fully human. Our work at the Alternative Prosperity Foundation is to empower leaders in different walks of live to help guide us towards this freedom. We have a lot of work left, but in South Africa we have tenacious and good spirited people willing to take up this challenge. Leaders that can live and lead when it comes to unlocking the potential in diversity. Agents of transformation. Our dream is to lend them a hand, to equip them, connect them and support them. In 2015 the Foundation was registered as a Non-Profit Company (NPC) under the South African Companies Act and a Public Benefit Organisation with SARS. Its objective is to contribute towards black socio-economic empowerment. Our Foundation is an independent legal entity and functions autonomously, involving independent directors and auditors. During 2016 after our board was formed, the programmes of the Foundation framed. In 2017, we started rolling out our programmes which included retirement fund fiduciary development and youth peer-leadership development. In 2018, we piloted the Foundation’s flagship intervention, which is a diversity living and leadership workshop and the commencement of post workshop support for peer leaders. In 2021, we embarked on a women’s programme benefitting youth leaders. In 2022, we aim to pilot a programme for trustees of employment trusts. Currently, our Foundation runs three programmes: Youth programme, Women programme, Fiduciary programme. In all our programmes we focus on supporting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) leadership. The AP Foundation is currently funded by Ubuntu-Botho Community Development Trust, Old Mutual and supported by African Rainbow Capital (ARC) and the Alternative Prosperity (AP) Group. Our Foundation’s focus is on developing black leaders who drive nation building and transformation agendas. Our work with these leaders is to articulate the change they want to make and then capacitate them to become such change agents. This is premised on the importance of leadership and governance to steer our country through the current economic, social and political climate. Good leadership should unite, inspire and create prosperity and well-being for all South Africans. Our beneficiary scope is targeting previously disadvantage groups. These include Black People, Youth and Women. Specific focus is placed on agents of empowerment – youth peer leaders, fiduciaries and women leaders.
Women Moving Millions is a growing global community of over 300 members in 14 countries. Each of their members has given and/or pledged $1 million or more to organizations or initiatives of their choosing that benefit women and girls. They represent a new era of resources by and for women, using the power of their voice and their influence to inspire others to invest with a gender lens. Guided by their mission and work to accelerate progress toward gender equality, they come together to think creatively and work collaboratively to sprout new solutions to propel us closer to a more equitable future. This project started In 2005, while documenting the history of visionary donors pledging a million dollars or more to women and girls, Helen LaKelly Hunt received an important call. Her sister, Ambassador Swanee Hunt, made a grand financial pledge for Helen’s use to “raise the bar on women’s giving.” To Swanee’s pledge, Helen added one of her own, and this spark catalyzed a groundbreaking global funding initiative, Women Moving Millions. Two years later, in 2007, Helen and Swanee officially launched the Women Moving Millions (WMM) campaign, with Helen as Founder and Swanee as Catalyst. This campaign sought to build a global collective of committed, purposeful women making unprecedented gifts of $1 million or more for the advancement of women and girls. Raising funds as well as their voices, this campaign inspired other donors to join them. Today, WMM is the largest community of individuals giving $1 million or more to resource women and girls and has elevated the power of women’s philanthropy to accelerate progress toward gender equality. Their mission is to catalyze unprecedented resources for the advancement of women and girls. As a growing global community, their members have collectively made bold commitments of nearly $800 million and are using the power of their voice and influence to inspire others to invest with a gender lens. They are grateful for their visionary founders, members, and partners who understood the power and transformative potential of this community to change the world.
I am an independent, responsible, decision maker, quality and result driven hard worker who is able to work under pressure in a team and unsupervised as well. An innovative visionary and an enthusiastic self-starter with integrity. I am customer and people oriented with good communication skills. I have completed a diploma in Freight handling and logistics at S.A. Maritime college and transportation in Woodstock. I completed my matric in 2003, then I got a job in 2007 at Department of Health as a contract worker doing supply chain procurement. In 2009, I got a permanent position at Komani hospital as a Provisioning Clerk (Asset Management) where I worked for 2 years then I was rotated to work at Supply Payments due to shortage of staff. In 2016, I started to polish my education level where I studied public management at Ekhala FET College completing my N4 and N5, where I obtained a distinction in computer. In 2017, I wanted to study more, so due to the fact that the course I was interested in was not being offered around, I was accepted in Cape Town. I had to take a risk and resign at Komani hospital to go study diploma in Freight handling and logistics at SA Maritime School and Transport College in Cape Town, where I passed all my modules with distinction. I completed my diploma in 2020 March. After completing my diploma, I was forced to stay at home as there were no jobs available for someone without experience in the industry that I studied for. In 2021 January I got a 3months contract at a Covid hospital doing patient admission. My contract ended in March 2021 then renewed in July 2021 for another 3 months.
I am a family man. Happily married with three wonderful girls. The blessing of children and being partners with my best friend has been the greatest blessing and experience during my lifetime. Being blessed to have a great education, has provided economic emancipation and independence. My career has been challenging and rewarding. From working for large multinational corporations to owning my own business. The work I do I love and find it most rewarding. By doing what you enjoy and are very good at brings success and personal satisfaction. I have always enjoyed my sports. I am not one to be a mere spectator, but I love to participate. In my final years of school, I had great success in amateur boxing. However, I gave up a professional career in order to attend university. I have no regrets on that front. Today, I love to water-ski. Especially slalom and trick. Competing on the international stage has been a thrill. It has also kept me grounded and healthy. However, the greatest blessing was the time spent most afternoons coaching my daughter and spending time with my girls. Relationships and bonds that have been formed as a result thereof cannot be purchased and are priceless. I look forward to being part of helping others and making the world better for all that live in it.
I am a Zambian born, comes from a family of 8 and the youngest of the Mwila's. My siblings always thought I was spoilt because I was the youngest, but I don’t think so! I was born in a town called Mufulira on the Copper belt side of Zambia in 1981,the Copper belt province is rich with mineral finds and Mines, hence the name. I am Married to Eric and we have a beautiful daughter called Chanda, she is 15 years. I completed my matric in 1999 and my mother advised me to study food production since I loved cooking, I did it for her though it was a course that I never dreamt of studying. I graduated successfully and worked for 2 years as a chef, got tired of cooking, I dodged that career and went into studying computers, worked as a receptionist and studied Human resources at the same time and obtained a diploma. I worked for a courier company as a Human Resources assistant. In 2012, I moved to South Africa, Cape Town when I got married, joined a Mobile Money company called Zoona with operations in Zambia, and I worked there for 5 years as a support agent. Zoona is an African Fintech company founded in 2009 with the vision of helping communities thrive. Since launching, it created over 2,500 jobs in Zambia and Malawi, empowered over 1,000 entrepreneurs to start their own business and allowed them to reach earnings of over $10 million. I enjoyed working for this company because we really helped girl child prevail. Apart from the above, I am a lover of interior designing, and my wish is to have one of the most successful Interior business one day, through my passion for interior, I designed my sister’s Kitchen area, how amazing!!! I love cooking and baking (especially Cake pops), they are my favorites!!! I love adventure, gardening and working out too, I am a gym freak. Most importantly, I love spending time with my loved ones. I reflect a varied personality, including ambition, and the qualities of generosity and thoughtfulness. I am also a well determined and vigorous individual, and yet calm. I encourage fighting for what you desire and believe in and doing it through God because nothing great comes easy. I believe mindfulness in the workplace is key to success. Having worked in Customer care I have gained extensive experience in; Empathy, Adaptability, Ability to Use Positive Language, Clear Communication Skills, Self-Control, Taking Responsibility and Patience.
Girls Who Code is an international non-profit organization working to close the gender gap in technology and change the image of what a programmer looks like and does. With their 7-week Summer Immersion Program, after school Clubs, College Loops program and New York Times best-selling series, they are leading the movement to inspire, educate, and equip young women with the computing skills to pursue 21st-century opportunities. Girls Who Code has reached 300,000 girls around the world. Girls Who Code values diversity, equity and inclusion as essential to their mission. They focus their work not only on gender diversity but also on young women who are historically underrepresented in computer science fields. They offer clubs for students to explore coding in a fun & friendly environment, a wide range of programs aimed at supporting college-aged students and early career professionals (18-25) in persisting in their computer science education and succeeding in their first internships and jobs, and a virtual summer program for high school students to learn coding and make an impact in their community while preparing for a career in tech.
Hello! I am Natacha and I am a Chemical engineering graduate from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. I am a self-motivated and positive team player. I’m friendly, professional, flexible and organised. I pay good attention to details and can work independently and own initiative. I efficiently communicate in French and English. I have excellent computer skills including outlook, word and Excel. I have worked extensively in customer services and have developed communication, problem-solving, analytical thinking, collaboration, performance and marketing skills that built me ready for any organisation including Zagenie. I can’t wait to be part of Zagenie Family!
Oportunitas nace en el año 2016 y su equipo aglutina más de 15 años de experiencia en el sector de las microfinanzas sociales y en actividades de inclusión laboral. Con esta sólida base profesional, conocimiento del sector y sólidas relaciones institucionales, Oportunitas aspira a ser la primera institución española de microcréditos sociales que opera a nivel nacional. Oportunitas es una microfinanciera social que provee microcréditos, formación y acompañamiento a aquellas personas que no tienen acceso a la banca tradicional por falta de avales o garantías. Actualmente, y para poder actuar como proveedor de servicios financieros y no financieros, Oportunitas se estructura en dos entidades jurídicas diferentes, pero que actúan de manera conjunta: una es la Fundación Oportunitas y la otra es IMF Oportunitas S.L. La Fundación Oportunitas está inscrita en el Registro de Fundaciones de competencia estatal N. 1863 y como tal, es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro. La Fundación se sostiene también gracias a la actividad comercial de IMF Oportunitas S.L. Oportunitas replica un modelo típico de IMF (Institución Microfinanciera), en el que una entidad sin ánimo de lucro, la Fundación, es a la vez partícipe e impulsora de una sociedad limitada, responsable de la actividad crediticia. La Fundación lleva a cabo la formación, la capacitación, el acompañamiento y la evaluación del impacto social. Además, vela por el cumplimiento de la misión social para garantizar que IMF Oportunitas S.L. otorgue microcréditos sociales respetando su misión, visión y valores. La evaluación del impacto social consiste en la medición del impacto que espera lograr la fundación a corto y largo plazo en los emprendedores con los que trabaja. La evaluación incorpora tres dimensiones: económica-laboral, emocional y social. El sistema de evaluación de su desempeño social es un compromiso que tenemos con sus usuarios, con el entorno emprendedor, y principalmente con el trabajo que realiza Oportunitas, para poder contar con evidencias que les permiten valorar como están haciendo su trabajo, y como desarrollar procesos de mejora continua.
Founded in 2010, OpenIDEO—IDEO’s open innovation practice—enables people worldwide to come together and build solutions for today's toughest societal problems. Online and around the globe, OpenIDEO works with world-class partners to convene diverse communities that collectively develop ideas and accelerate social innovation. OpenIDEO’s platform expands on the power of crowdsourcing, equipping participants with resources, connections, and design tools to create real impact. After tackling dozens of topics ranging from food waste to girls' education to Ebola, people everywhere are designing a better future with OpenIDEO. Their idea is to offer an open innovation platform where people from all corners of the world collaboratively tackle some of the toughest global issues through launching Challenges, programs, and other tailored experiences. A Challenge is a three-to-five month collaborative process that focuses attention on the topic and creates a space for community members to contribute and build off each other. This approach is modeled on IDEO's design thinking methodology. OpenIDEO is a place where people design better, together for social good. It's an online platform for creative thinkers: the veteran designer and the new guy who just signed on, the critic and the MBA, the active participant and the curious lurker. Together, this makes up the creative guts of OpenIDEO. To become a place where good ideas gain momentum, OpenIDEO depends on participation — your inspirations, his comments, her concepts, our design process. It's these efforts, these big and small moments of sharing and collaboration, that make this platform a dynamic resource for tackling significant global challenges. IDEO, a design and innovation firm, developed OpenIDEO as a way to include a broader range of people in the design process through inspiration, concepting, and evaluation.
Barcelona Activa es la agencia de desarrollo económico local de Barcelona. Como agencia de desarrollo local, su misión es contribuir con la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas, promoviendo la competitividad económica de la ciudad y el reequilibrio de los territorios mediante el fomento del empleo, el impulso a nuevos emprendedores y el apoyo a un tejido empresarial plural, diverso y sostenible, desde una perspectiva económica, social y ambiental. Su visión es convertir a Barcelona en una ciudad de referencia internacional para trabajar, emprender y vivir con valores sociales y ambientales Gracias a que la actividad económica y productiva de Barcelona diversifica su oferta en sectores de actividad estratégicos, tanto emergentes como consolidados, que actúan como verdaderos motores económicos, de innovación y generadores de empleo, estableciendo a Barcelona como referente internacional. Es por ello que Barcelona Activa pone el foco en impulsar los siguientes sectores considerados estratégicos: Economía digital, Industrias creativas y culturales, Salud y bio, Deporte (sportstech) y Alimentación (foodtech), Industria 4.0, Economía azul y Economía verde, Economía de proximidad, Economía del visitante y Comercio y restauración. Para lograr sus objetivos, Barcelona Activa ofrece los siguientes servicios: asesoramiento personalizado para ayudar a los trabajadores, autónomos, emprendedores y empresas con alternativas que se adapten a sus necesidades; una amplia oferta formativa tanto presencial como en línea; acompañamiento a lo largo de toda la trayectoria profesional y empresarial con actividades y programas intensivos que se adecuen a las necesidades, perfil o sector en cada caso; facilitar el acceso a empresas, personas y entidades que puedan ser de ayuda para el crecimiento de los proyectos, poniendo a disposición un espacio de networking en el que conectan a las empresas con el talento y a las start-ups con el ecosistema emprendedor; finalmente, también ofrecen apoyo específico para organizaciones y proyectos de la economía social y solidaria (ESS).
Voluntechies es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro española que realiza actividades de voluntariado corporativo y RSC desde 2015. Voluntechies ofrece una innovadora experiencia inmersiva a través de talleres con realidad virtual a aquellos que más lo necesitan, como los niños/as hospitalizados, personas mayores o discapacitados. El objetivo principal es ofrecer un momento de alegría y diversión, para que los participantes puedan olvidarse por un momento del dolor, la enfermedad o la soledad y disfrutar como nunca antes lo habían hecho. En Voluntechies están convencidos de que pueden utilizar las nuevas tecnologías para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas, sobre todo, de aquellos que se encuentran en una situación de mucha vulnerabilidad. Es por ello que tienen un objetivo claro, haber ayudado a 1 millón de personas en 2030. Gracias a sus divertidos talleres consiguen transportar a las personas que participan "fuera" de su realidad, llevándolos a descubrir las profundidades del océano, dar un paseo por la playa o hacer trekking en el Himalaya. Lo mejor de todo es que también les enseñan a cómo montar sus propias gafas de RV, dándoles así una herramienta para que puedan seguir disfrutando de muchas más aventuras. Voluntechies is a Spanish non-profit association that has been carrying out corporate volunteering and CSR activities since 2015. Voluntechies offers an innovative immersive experience through virtual reality workshops to those who need it most, such as hospitalized children, the elderly or disabled. The main objective is to offer a moment of joy and fun, so participants can forget about pain, illness or loneliness for a moment and enjoy like never before. At Voluntechies they are convinced that they can use new technologies to improve people's quality of life, especially those who are in a highly vulnerable situation. That is why they have a clear goal, to have helped 1 million people by 2030. Thanks to their fun workshops they manage to transport the people who participate "outside" their reality, taking them to discover the depths of the ocean, take a walk on the beach or go trekking in the Himalayas. Best of all, they also teach them how to assemble their own VR glasses, giving them a tool, so they can continue enjoying many more adventures.
La Fundación Cibervoluntarios es una red de voluntariado tecnológico que tiene como objetivo transformar el mundo. Es una ONG española de ámbito internacional, impulsada en 2001 por emprendedores sociales con el fin de promover el uso y conocimiento de la tecnología como un medio para paliar brechas sociales, generar innovación social y empoderamiento en la ciudadanía, favorecer sus derechos y potenciar sus oportunidades. Su trabajo se basa en la colaboración. Actualmente, cuentan con una red de 1700 cibervoluntarios/as y más de 1000 organizaciones con las que colaboran de forma directa habitualmente. Con sus actividades llegan anualmente a unas 63.000 personas formadas. Sus principales líneas de acción son realizar actividades desde lo local a lo global, en colaboración directa anual con entidades, siempre utilizando herramientas tecnológicas como medio para resolver necesidades de forma innovadora, abierta, transparente, ética, sostenible e inclusiva. La Fundación Cibervoluntarios persigue la idea de promover el uso y el conocimiento de la tecnología por parte de la ciudadanía para garantizar los Derechos Humanos. Así como conseguir que todas las personas tengan, por igual, la oportunidad de acceder, conocer y utilizar las tecnologías como medio para mejorar cualquier aspecto de su vida y/o la de su entorno. Para lograr esto, la Fundación crea proyectos a medida de forma colaborativa, casi siempre replicables y escalables, de lo local a lo global. Sus proyectos se caracterizan por estar realizados de forma disruptiva, abierta, transparente, ética, sostenible e inclusiva, porque la idea es ofrecer un enfoque de la tecnología como herramienta que ayuda a la ciudadanía a generar impacto y transformación social. En resumen, Cibervoluntarios es una entidad pionera en voluntariado tecnológico, un referente a nivel internacional que aúna la tecnología y lo social. En toda su trayectoria han conseguido identificar procesos replicables, que permiten, a través del uso social de la tecnología, gestionar intangibles y construir proyectos que consiguen un impacto social, de mejora de la calidad de vida en el entorno. Cibervoluntarios es una marca reconocida y valorada internacionalmente: Cibervoluntarios.
SINGA se esfuerza por impulsar una sociedad inclusiva que abrace diversidad y por una economía innovadora que permita a todos, independientemente del origen, realizar su potencial profesional y social. Se trata de una asociación que genera vínculos y ecosistemas inclusivos entre personas migrantes, refugiadas y gente local a través del emprendimiento, la creatividad y el diseño. Apoyan a personas creativas, emprendedoras, transformadoras y creadoras para lograr su potencial a través de una red colaborativa. A través de eventos y talleres participativos, crean espacios físicos y mentales para la construcción de vínculos y crean una plataforma para que los miembros de la comunidad puedan comunicar sus proyectos. También proponen constantemente programas, talleres e incubadoras, enfocadas en potenciar proyectos y emprendimientos de personas migrantes, e impulsar la diversidad en el mundo de las startups. Además, ofrecen consultoría de diseño e innovación social, para acompañar a las organizaciones en sus procesos de cambio para generar impacto social positivo. Desde 2012, SINGA ha estado creando estos eventos, herramientas y nuevos espacios para motivar tanto a las personas recién llegadas como a las personas locales a encontrar sinergias, aprender unos de otros y construir juntos un futuro más brillante, gracias a: Una comunidad global de 50.000 miembros que reúne a personas refugiadas, migrantes y personas locales a través de pasiones, habilidades y proyectos comunes. Una red de incubadoras locales en 18 ciudades de 7 países que trabaja con personas emprendedoras para desarrollar proyectos de inclusión exitosos. Un ecosistema virtuoso que une a la comunidad, líderes e instituciones para reinventar la inclusión y el futuro de la migración. SINGA España empezó en diciembre 2018 en Barcelona. Desde entonces, han realizado más de 20 eventos de formación, interculturalidad y diversión con más de 15 organizaciones colaboradoras y se ha alcanzado una comunidad de +200 personas. Hasta el momento, ya han cocreado 3 programas basados en la mentoría y la preincubación.
Hello! I am Elyse and I am from Congo, DRC. I came to South Africa in April 2012 for study purposes. I have a degree in chemical Engineering, where I was awarded Cumlaude (distinction). I am a self-motivated and very much result orientated person. I am a fast learner and have a high degree of resilience to get a job done. I have 7 years in customer service and have developed strong communication, marketing, problem-solving and analytical thinking ability. I have also developed customer advocacy, empathy and keen attention to details in order to meet the customer needs and retain his loyalty. I have grown to be resilient in completing tasks even under highly tensed situations. I describe myself as a confident and fast learning person who is open to new fields and I strongly believe that doing my work with Excellency, I will add value to your organization. I speak French, English, Lingala, and Kikongo. I see new challenges coming ahead as an opportunity to empower myself “The little difference between try and triumph is just a little umph” (Marvins). Looking forward to be part of ZaGenie Family! Thank you!
We’re on a mission and we want to do things differently! Building a sharing community of global travellers who genuinely want to see the world whilst contributing and giving back to the places they visit. Alongside our welcoming hosts, ready to receive visitors who are able to help out. With thousands and thousands of users and millions of page views every month we thought it was time to write another update on Workaway where we’ve come from and where we’re going… First of all, a continued big thank you to everyone who has made the success of Workaway possible. As well as our current team, we also want to thank the thousands of members who have used Workaway to connect and spread the message on a global scale. Did you know that we’ve grown completely organically and NEVER actively advertise? Workaway has grown via word of mouth, which only inspires us to keep going, knowing that we are providing a service that is making waves across the global travel community. It always used to amaze us that people would pay thousands of dollars to companies or agents to volunteer or work in a different country. Often these companies would charge to “arrange” a volunteer stay or job whilst taking a huge chunk of the profit for themselves and to pay for their advertising whilst giving a very small percentage to the actual place in need. We feel we have made great strides in disrupting this industry. We know that given the right tools and with the power of the internet people are perfectly capable of arranging their own stay, conducting their own checks and organising their own insurance and transport, not only giving the flexibility they need but also making substantial savings to their travel budget. We believe that you get out of life what you are willing to put into it!
Worldpackers is a community based on collaboration and honest relationships that make travel more accessible to those seeking a profound cultural experience. Through an online platform, we connect travelers - looking to exchange their skills for accommodation - with incredible hosts from all around the world. Worldpackers was born through the life experiences of two friends, Riq Lima and Eric Faria. Riq, is an economist who left his job as an investment banker to travel the world for 4 years with little money, but a creative mind. Eric, a certified accountant, initially travelled to the USA to learn English, but ended up staying for nearly four years. His first two years were spent helping out at USA Hostels in San Diego, as a receptionist, a housekeeper and a tourist guide by exchanging his skills for accommodation. He then helped to found International Travellers House, a hostel chain located in California and whose staff was made up entirely of volunteers. Worldpackers is a platform for travelers and hosts, made by those who live and love travel! Our purpose is to democratize meaningful travel experiences through a collaborative mindset.
Not just a fruit cake... a complete fruit salad! That's what most people think, anyway. You are crazy! You are out of your mind! It will never work! Oh yes, that's what I am used to hearing. Not just behind my back, but also straight into my face. So who is this crazy Marius? Marius finds a way where, to most people, no way exists. A protagonist that can work out a plan and make that plan work when it seems impossible. Born in '62 I have had a very full and experienced life so far. If anybody had experienced just 10% of my life, then they would have had a very full and satisfied life. Some experiences were happy and others sad. Some times were lived in unlimited abundance and other times in survival mode. That's life. It all adds up to a great and balanced life. Some lessons I have learned are that nobody is guaranteed the next five minutes. So live now as you might not see "some day". Another lesson is that the good life and the bad life together makes a balanced life. You have to have both, and neither the good nor the bad will last forever. The other lesson learned is that you only have one life. There is no backup. If you lose either your body or your mind, then you become a burden to somebody else. So do everything possible to stay healthy mentally and physically. My purpose on this planet is to help others. I have always done that from the beginning. I have done this through being employed, having my own businesses assisting businesses find solutions. Oh, and I am lazy. I will rather automate something than do the same thing daily. That got me into programming and software development, where I could automate boring admin tasks. Computers were a blessing and later the internet just opened doors. Through the years I have come to dislike some types of institutions and specifically these two. Banks and the Tax man. I have developed ways to assist people to get out of debt because debt kills you financially and how to legally reduce your tax obligation. On these, I have published a few books and am currently busy with an Udemy course as well. The Udemy course has not yet been published. Yes, I have over 40 years of knowledge and experiences to share which might be able to help someone someday when they least expect it. I have published a few books and I am now busy with a course to be published on Udemy.
“I am, because we are. Together.” Combining a salient philosophy of caring and sharing, with the strength of unity and community. We can determine the course of humanity and our destiny, by challenging the digital status quo. Ubuntu I am, because we are. Bound together in ways that are invisible, humanity is all about being one. Caring unconditionally, and sharing with everyone around us. Synergy The combined power of a group of people when they work well together, is greater than the results achieved by everyone working separately. Our strength lies in unity. Objectives: – Discussion forum for like-minded, proactive people to communicate courteously. – Easily accessible 24/7 virtual meetups and local networking socials around the world. – Online academy, offering dynamic courses, self-improvement workshops and seminars. – Directory of member listings, products and resources related to this specific initiative. – Global map of the directory with instant local geolocation and driving directions. – Jobsboard to post resumes, employment opportunities and project resources. – Worldwide catalogue of events and management interface for organizers. – Marketplace with selected products, deals and discounts for members. A professional platform for serious individuals who want to help create synergy and improve themselves financially. Interacting productively in a sane environment without anonymous idiocy and discourteous behaviour. No SPAM, NO hype, NO MLM, NO donations, and NO advertisements. Participation is FREE. The initiative is self-sustaining using a revenue sharing business model. Users are also affiliates and earn income in a completely seamless, unobtrusive manner. No matter where in the world, nor what you do for a living, ANYONE can participate at no cost. With easy, step-by-step guidance on how to leverage this initiative, from your point of view: – Scholars & Students – Employment Seekers – Employed But Always Broke – Single & Stay-At-Home Parents – Struggling Business Owners – Administrators & Managers – Retrenched & Retired Folks – Successful Super Affiliates Carving an alternative path through the online jungle, this initiative does not intend to disrupt, but rather show the way for discerning people. With a preference to avoid the disrespectful, anonymous idiots, we offer an online experience that is ethical, professional and courteous. Ubuntu Synergy. This is what I stand for.
“I am, because we are. Together.” Combining a salient philosophy of caring and sharing, with the strength of unity and community. We can determine the course of humanity and our destiny, by challenging the digital status quo. Ubuntu I am, because we are. Bound together in ways that are invisible, humanity is all about being one. Caring unconditionally, and sharing with everyone around us. Synergy The combined power of a group of people when they work well together, is greater than the results achieved by everyone working separately. Our strength lies in unity. Objectives: – Discussion forum for like-minded, proactive people to communicate courteously. – Easily accessible 24/7 virtual meetups and local networking socials around the world. – Online academy, offering dynamic courses, self-improvement workshops and seminars. – Directory of member listings, products and resources related to this specific initiative. – Global map of the directory with instant local geolocation and driving directions. – Jobsboard to post resumes, employment opportunities and project resources. – Worldwide catalogue of events and management interface for organizers. – Marketplace with selected products, deals and discounts for members. A professional platform for serious individuals who want to help create synergy and improve themselves financially. Interacting productively in a sane environment without anonymous idiocy and discourteous behaviour. No SPAM, NO hype, NO MLM, NO donations, and NO advertisements. Participation is FREE. The initiative is self-sustaining using a revenue sharing business model. Users are also affiliates and earn income in a completely seamless, unobtrusive manner. No matter where in the world, nor what you do for a living, ANYONE can participate at no cost. With easy, step-by-step guidance on how to leverage this initiative, from your point of view: – Scholars & Students – Employment Seekers – Employed But Always Broke – Single & Stay-At-Home Parents – Struggling Business Owners – Administrators & Managers – Retrenched & Retired Folks – Successful Super Affiliates Carving an alternative path through the online jungle, this initiative does not intend to disrupt, but rather show the way for discerning people. With a preference to avoid the disrespectful, anonymous idiots, we offer an online experience that is ethical, professional and courteous. Ubuntu Synergy. This is what I stand for.
Born in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo and I am currently living in South Africa at Cape Town for seven years. I am single from now and busy shaping my programming skills and IT knowledge at Cape Peninsula university of technology (CPUT). I am a software developer, I am always keen to discover and learn about new technology and invention in IT world, I have a good understanding of programming languages, internet cloud services and Desktop support CompTIA A+. I am a self-motivated person, reliable, determined, very skilful in communication, fast learner with an open mind to expose myself into new world and concept. Live is a journey about challenges and discovering that’s why I am always ready to face new challenge in technology and software world. I really like to play guitar and read books about science and others subjects because knowledge for me is one of the keys to open new doors, make a difference and discovering new area in live.