Ubuntu Synergy

Workshop (English) – 10 October 2020

Victoria Hotel, Turin, Italy

VIA NINO COSTA 4 – 10123 TORINO – ITALIA   +39 011 561 1909   hotelvictoria-torino.com

Please pay close attention to the notes below, regarding COVID-19 restrictions and what to bring.

Objectives & Agenda

The purpose of this workshop is to provide attendees with a high level perspective of Ubuntu Synergy and related projects. Starting with a brief overview, leading to a more detailed synopsis. Thereafter, a hands-on, live walkthrough of one particular project. The afternoon session is an optional, open-format training and learning opportunity. Space is limited and invitations extended to a select few. Please honour your RSVP.

The Timeline…

  • 08h30 for 09h00 start…
  • 09h00 – Ubuntu Synergy: The origins, development and future initiatives.
  • 09h30 – Understanding the currently active Ubuntu Synergy Projects.
  • 10h15 – Dissection a project and elaborating on the components.
  • 11h00 – Time for tea, coffee and informal discussion/networking.
  • 11h30 – Hands-on interaction with a selected project. This is LIVE!
  • 13h00 – Lunch: Free format. See notes below regarding hotel policy.
  • 14h30 – Open format afternoon. Attendees are welcome to use the conference room and connection to interact with as many projects as desired. Feel free to login, explore, create listings and share. The workshop organizers will be on hand to help. Personal assistance with listings, sharing and any questions that may arise. This session is to further your success. Come with an open mind and ready for out-of-the-box thinking. Remember: I am, because we are. Together.
  • 17h30 – Closing comments, debriefing and questions.

The fine print…

  • This workshop is by personal invitation only. There is NO charge for this workshop.
  • Internet broadband connection is available through the hotel, with a backup 4G connection.
  • Attendees get a complimentary 3-month membership of the Ubuntu Synergy project dissected.
  • Complimentary tea, coffee and light snacks are offered during the mid-morning break.
  • Unfortunately lunch is NOT included, due to restrictions imposed on the hotel kitchen.

What to bring…

  • While a smartphone will suffice, it would be better to bring at least a tablet. A laptop would ultimately be preferred. Note: There are NO workstations in the room. Please bring your own tablet and/or laptop with wireless capability.

Notes regarding COVID-19…

The hotel has to follow strict guidelines in order to accommodate this workshop:

  • Please wear a mask when entering the hotel lobby. Thanks for your consideration.
  • There is a hand sanitizer dispenser in the reception area. Take what you need
  • Proceed directly to the conference room, past the reception. Follow the signs.
  • Seating is well dispersed in the conference room. Please don’t move the seats.